intp.. jung way..

INTps often have a characteristic round-shouldered posture. Their necks are often not as well proportioned as other types and their heads seem to strain forwards. Their eyes have a sorrowful look about them as if they are about to be victimised in some way. Their noses are somewhat aquiline in shape which combined with often flattened cheekbones giving the false impression that their noses are large.

During conversation INTps may project their lower lips forward. INTps often show poor control of their lower jaw, allowing them to hang down. INTps normal facial expressions usually reflect wisdom and great life experience or sadness and victimisation. Although INTps are introverts, some of them may behave in a very extroverted manner.

INTps with more developed aesthetic taste are neat and tidy. They look after their clothes which they know well how to compose and combine. When they interact with others they are softly spoken and unobtrusive, leaving others the impression that they are intelligent and educated. When asking someone for something, they usually do it in such a way as to rarely be denied.

When INTps speak publicly they habitually adopt a slow, monotone speech pattern. This may have a sleep inducing hypnotic effect on their audience. INTps are good at noticing contradictions in theories or opinions and can focus others attention to this. They are able to predict short term forthcoming events in both visual and associative forms. Through observation and their own experiences INTps can create a precise model of others behaviour allowing INTps to predict peoples next moves. They often amaze and interest people with this quality.

INTps are very sceptical to others who are undertaking new beginnings. They are able to pour cold water on others burning enthusiasm. They try to keep others from being passionate as they consider strong emotions to be harmful. INTps also look after their health and can be very captious in these matters. For example, they may wash their hands more often than others do. They pay a lot attention to hygiene and sanitation.

INTps are often active in business and commercial matters. They have good abilities to quickly calculate profit. Usually they are relaxed and only undertake projects that show considerable return and profit. They are not afraid to run big businesses. Usually INTps are very economical. They do not like to make presents or lend money to others. Because of this quality they usually try to appear poorer than they actually are. However when it comes to spending money on themselves, they can be very generous.

INTps usually work slowly, paying a lot of attention to detail. In their activities they show a strict logic, that can sometimes become very pedantic and scrupulous. INTps may check that all home appliances are off many times before leaving.

doesnt this juz sound like somebody? but it really amazes me with de lookin part!! character can really change ur look leh.. de description in da 1st paragraph is exactly like de person hu has this character!! haha.. but abt de miser part.. eh.. i dunno lah.. maybe.. haha..