
Haiz. Today is a depressing day. At least I’m depressed. Very depressed. Rate 1-10 how depressed I am, I’ll rate 11. Haha. Sorry, old joke. But I’m really depressed today. :(

You know I’ve been thinking. Seriously, throughout my whole life I haven’t really been getting along well with adults. They either (1) think that I am very serious, (2) think that I’m very very quiet or (3) think that I have attitude problem. Haha. is my life sad or what. But really lah, use 10 fingers to count also not enough. Oh no. I don’t know what I’m talking about.

Oh. It’s raining now!! I still and I guess will forever like rainy days. The sound, the smell, the whole atmosphere. Sorry, my lit very lousy, mood and atmosphere I can’t describe properly.


Didn’t know it’s like that in Chinese until I watch 针锋相对 tat day.