
have u ever disliked someone so much but u cant point why u dislike this person? recently i have. and it's troubling me. because i cant think of a reason why i am disliking this person so much. it's so intangibly intangible that it amazes me. i just have this strong anger in me whenever this person does something (esp if it concerns me) but i just cant pinpoint to where my anger come from.

it must the aries in me. i've been pushing this side of me down but i am still quite intolerant to inefficiency and slow people and people who dont know what they are doing. along with others: those who talk like sai, those who try too hard, those who are too LBL... but like any other aries i will forget abt this 15min later and am glad that how wonderful this world is.

then why do i dislike this person so much?

stupid? seriously lacking in analytical skills? got not enough RAM?


hahahahaaa. this is rather entertaining. watching this reminds me of the time when ella said alex to's dad is from Pingtung. felicia u must watch this!!

wiki gives a very different approach to this issue. u should know where to scroll to la.