He is 鄭家維.

one year ago, he made me fall in love with sammi's 終身美麗.

2008英皇新秀 鄭家維 我懷念的

it's nice to see him sing maybe a little more normally. instead of imitating sammi.

英皇娛樂台新E館~鄭家維 Part 1
英皇娛樂台新E館~鄭家維 Part 2

on the other hand. episode of 15/16 with yoyo mung, linda chung and frankie lam. hahahahaha. they are damn funny.

hahahaha. when frankie lam said that he will remember them if they bluffed him even at the 2nd question.

after linda gave an analysis on the number question and to conclude they use Arabic numeral. but when they asked her if she knew the difference between Arabic numeral and roman numeral and she said she didnt know.