Friday, June 13, 2008 by yish
havent been blogging for quite some time. so what have i been doing so far? all the stuff that i had been doing since hols started. haha.
first on last friends.
omg. it's almost ending. everyone's secret is like out already. those who u want to die had died and anything u anticipate have happened. we are left with the last episode next wk to see how the scriptwriters are going to wrap up everything. this wk's last friends rating is even higher than Change.
anw. my favourite scene this wk is the part where ruka's dad was talking to takeru; where ruka's dad broke down. this little part before he broke down:
"小さいころから あいつは スカートより ズボンが好きで"
Since she was small, she likes wearing trousers than skirt.
"夏になると 短パン はいて"
Whenever summer came, she would wear shorts.
"川で ザリガニ 捕ったり 山で セミ 捕ったり"
She would catch crayfish in the river; and in the mountain, she would catch cicadas.
"泥んこになって 男の子と遊び回ってた。"
She would play with boys until she got so muddy.
"活発で かわいい子だった。"
She was a cute and lively girl.
"かわいい娘だよ 俺にとっては。"
She is a cute daughter, you know, for me.
esp the last line. it was ohhhhhhhh. why. but seening how much support he is giving her no matter what she does. wah.
and for my other stuff. im still doing lor. never ending wonderful story. okay. nvm the last two words. just the first two. haha.
code blue will start after last friends. yay. theme song by mr.children and starring yamap. the storyline? think 随时候命.
羞恥心 - 羞恥心
first on last friends.
omg. it's almost ending. everyone's secret is like out already. those who u want to die had died and anything u anticipate have happened. we are left with the last episode next wk to see how the scriptwriters are going to wrap up everything. this wk's last friends rating is even higher than Change.
anw. my favourite scene this wk is the part where ruka's dad was talking to takeru; where ruka's dad broke down. this little part before he broke down:
"小さいころから あいつは スカートより ズボンが好きで"
Since she was small, she likes wearing trousers than skirt.
"夏になると 短パン はいて"
Whenever summer came, she would wear shorts.
"川で ザリガニ 捕ったり 山で セミ 捕ったり"
She would catch crayfish in the river; and in the mountain, she would catch cicadas.
"泥んこになって 男の子と遊び回ってた。"
She would play with boys until she got so muddy.
"活発で かわいい子だった。"
She was a cute and lively girl.
"かわいい娘だよ 俺にとっては。"
She is a cute daughter, you know, for me.
esp the last line. it was ohhhhhhhh. why. but seening how much support he is giving her no matter what she does. wah.
and for my other stuff. im still doing lor. never ending wonderful story. okay. nvm the last two words. just the first two. haha.
code blue will start after last friends. yay. theme song by mr.children and starring yamap. the storyline? think 随时候命.
羞恥心 - 羞恥心