travelling on two wheels.

after being inspired to travel on the wonderful two wheels and of course to celebrate the end of our exams, me eunice and chinshyan went on our trip to east coast to cycle. hahahahaha. seriously me and cycling come from two different worlds.

so as always im still as bad at cycling though this time the bike decided to be nice to be and not wobble so much. as in. when i sat on it i knew it could keep me balanced. a nice and reliable bike. took 30min to struggle on my new found orange friend. but yay. could cycle for certain distances before going straight for the bushes. and it's really true that it's easier to balance when your speed is high. but u are putting your self into higher risk of getting injured when something mess up. and i must thank the suspension to keep me on the bike while traveling on the humps. haha. and of course the wonderful gears that kept me slow and away from dangering more people's lives.

但當然也有那些以爲人一出世就會腳踏車的人。就是那些tmd老外。一路上被幾個老外罵。罵我在錯邊啊,有的說我在擋路。excuse me. i can balance is a miracle okay. 真是的。老外就是地大,我們小島的人好不容易到ECP才有安全而寬敞的路來學轎車。

oh ya. there was another thing. there was this family. we shall guess what race they are. whole family big to small i think go ecp to bbq and stay tent. so they were not walking on the walking path. instead on the bicycle and skating path. so many cyclists were angry la. and rang their bells at them. and of course as a wonderful family. they heard the bells and purposely stood in one line so that they stretch from one side of the path to the other. completely blocking anyone from cycling past them. or they think the bicycles are thin enough to squeeze through them. wahlao. seriously.

潘嗣敬 - 大眼睛

黃靖倫 - 就是你