sabishii naa.

awesome. the time now is like 2am plus and the whole yew tee is like asleep and im still blogging cos omg i just finished watching Tokyo Tower: mom and me, and sometimes dad. it's sooooooooo good. wah. im shocked. haha. shocked.

knew abt this film from masha's 'tokyo ni mo atanda'. wasnt very interested cos the film first seemed like yet another film this year, along with fellow tear-jerker nada sou sou, so i was like 'aiyah. dont care la.' hahahahaha. but subsequently found the book in kino and i was surprised by how nice (and neat) the cover of tokyo tower looked [haha. always judge a book by its cover]. so i went down to the library, borrowed and finished in.. i think in total i took 4 days to 5 days. the book was good and the film.. as good.

cos all along i didnt like films which i already finished the books. like death note, harry potter.. the films dont seem to live up to the books' standard. but i was still quite curious abt how the tokyo tower film will go.

and fret not. it's not the normal tear jerker (psst. korean dramas) kind of movie. it's very 輕描淡寫 kind of narration. it doesnt play emo with long takes still shots; or wide angle shot of a field and the horrizon. very comfortable, it doesnt stress u up. it uses a narration way of filming, chronologically but plays a little with the timeline(i think to show contrast and parallels).

and joe odagiri rocks. he's damn good as masaya. he, like the film, was very 輕描淡寫. no big emotions, just little actions here and there. i like both the actresses who acted as masaya's mum. (haha. and i just realised they are mother and daughter. so that's why they look so alike la.) the dad's great too. his screentime is quite little but the impact is quite large. Tomiura Satoshi acted as the high school masaya. (he's also 杉菜's brother in jp's hana yori dango) didnt realise it was him till like when half the show's over. haha. and Takako Matsu's damn pretty in the film. hahahahaa. serious.

of course there were several tear jerking scenes that people have already discussed abt. but there was this scene that made all my hair stand. it was when masaya's mum decided to go to tokyo and when she packed up all her stuff, she sat there alone in the old house, with make-up and hand carry luggage. i like that scene a lot. there was no dialouge, no OS but there was a very strong maybe not-knowing-what-would-happen-in-the-future feeling. and then following that scene was her in the train, sleeping and waking up several time to check her watch. omg. it was so good la.

and there was this song that appeared twice in the film. quiza quiza. it feels very comfortable listening to it. haha. and somemore last wk i just finished 'tony leung maggie cheung and wanton mee'. hahahahaha. they used this song too. so leaves a very strong impression in me.

why dont they bring this film in into our island. it rocks leh. there's joe odagiri. and Takako Matsu. will sell one la. and masha sang the theme song. haha.

suge. 5 stars.*blink* *blink* *blink* *blink* *blink* 5 hoshi. hahahaha.