Wednesday, January 9, 2008 by yish
it was chew's burfday!! voo. hahahahahaaa. u noe like how felicia's and yueting's present are always the grandest cos we've got ample time to prepare for it. and this time round we gave her this.

and this

u still dont think it's cool? okay. now u get off ur seat and run far far away from your pc/laptop. and then look at the picture.
okay. that's me. haha.
so anw, we had steamboat too.

hahahaha.the ugliest collage of 3 of them. why did we look so shabby?

and tada..

her present.
for more details please refer to ms chew's blog. 3Q.
watch this. this family is damn rich. haha.

and this

u still dont think it's cool? okay. now u get off ur seat and run far far away from your pc/laptop. and then look at the picture.
okay. that's me. haha.
so anw, we had steamboat too.

hahahaha.the ugliest collage of 3 of them. why did we look so shabby?

and tada..

her present.
for more details please refer to ms chew's blog. 3Q.
watch this. this family is damn rich. haha.