外人亂我兄弟者 視投名狀,必殺之
Thursday, December 27, 2007 by yish
went to watch the warlords. hmm. what to say. yueyun went to watch before me and her comment was that it is quite bad. and i cant really say i was anticipating this film; i went in with more of a 'let's try watching this film' feeling. rather different from perhaps love though there is still takeshi kaneshiro. actually there's a lot of films out there that uses takeshi kaneshiro as a narrator or with parts where takeshi kaneshiro will narrate. haha. he makes a.. very good narrator. his voice obviously has a taiwanese accent but it's not very taiwanese.
most of this film has this black feeling. i dont know how to describe it. like the black parts in 'hero'(the one with jet li, tony leung and maggie cheung).everyone wears black and there's this certain brown/yellow hue in most of the scenes. it changes after they took down nanking. the hue went away and it started to have more colours. and it kinds of remind me of jet li in hero.the way that he speaks, the black clothings..
and the 3 leads all have different accent. one with china accent, one with hongkong accent and the other with taiwanese/japanese accent.
it's good except the music. and i think that's why it's hard to focus totally on the film. and it doesnt make u think abt it again; unlike like maybe watching chungking express will make u think of california dreamin' and you will start to recall like faye wong dancing around, tony leung's smile or maybe takeshi kaneshiro sitting in his kitchen eating canned pineapples.
but this film makes hing dai look so bad. both talking abt brotherhood, warlords is so much better than hing dai. at the end of it, what strikes me most is still each character's character: takeshi kaneshiro's innocence, jet li's ruthlessness and andy lau's loyalty.
making of warlords
趙二虎是一身匪氣,什麼都是搶,包括女人是搶回來,殺害押糧小兵, 搶掠民居,姦淫民女,私分軍餉等,.如果龐不念兄弟情,一早正法了他, 二虎容易衝動辦錯事,那個私發軍餉和分裂軍隊都是淩遲的死罪,他活下來都不知道是饒的他。 打劫財政部人民銀行金庫還想人保他?
立投名狀時二虎毫不考慮最爽快地把無辜路人甲幹了(反映他狠快的性格);老三像電玩般把路人乙幹了(反映他無腦性格);老大稍為猶豫說著下次投胎找我報仇把路人丙幹了(反映他不信教條)舒城之戰老二把說降的將二話不說殺了, 俗話說:兩軍交戰,不殺來使!!! 只要是只軍隊,就應該守譴規則...太平軍派出探馬小將前去勸降,算是來使談判,什麼趙二虎卑鄙之級,根本不顧軍事譴規則,趁太平小將無備將其襲殺!!!這樣的軍隊,這樣的肆意踐踏自古的軍事譴則!!! 屠城三天,搶掠民居,姦淫民女,老二後來竟成為偽人道主義代言人,看得有點起雞皮疙瘩
最初立頭名狀不是龐願,也不存在誰騙誰,二虎拿著大箱銀子回家時,龐又騙了誰? 不然二虎一早餓死或被打死在山區,以現代的道德觀去詮釋當時的人命如草芥年代的人,本身就是一種悲哀! 二虎利誘兄弟去打仗又算不算利用兄弟? 二虎擔家包證你一世山區泥上拾雀屎吃的生活
在影片的宣傳和導演闡述中,“兄弟情”一直都是作為影片的主旨來表現的,從影片選取姜午陽作為畫外音的敍事者來看,創作者似乎把姜午陽所堅持的“納了 投名狀的兄弟結義不可違逆”作為正面價值觀來弘揚,然而且不論“投名狀”這種殺人結盟的方式本就違背人道,事實上全片最冷血的一幕是二虎毫不留情爽快地將一個苦求不要殺他的無辜陌生的百姓殺掉,苦求不要殺他的無辜陌生的百姓不是兵不是敵人不是詐降將,那不是戰場而是二虎一個土匪的私人刑場!