stressed up.

now i feel the stress. omg. eg1109 is freaking hard and if i choose to go to ME i'll have to continue with those free body diagrams shit. i take damn long to finish the first online tutorial for eg1109 and i didnt know what the hell the tutor was talking abt during tutorial class and i didnt noe what the lecurer was talking about during lecture. how.

anw, last night i had a bad dream. i had to choose whether to transfer over to aero now. hais. i need someone to talk to. shd i transfer school after year1? but i heard from this yr2 that it's not really transfering but u hafta quit the current school and re-enrol urself in the other school with ur A levels result. which makes it really like waste one yr.

hais hais hais hais.

and u noe in ntu the aeronautical specialisation has these courses:
Aircraft Structures
Aircraft Propulsion
Flight Mechanics and Control
Mechanics of Aerospace Materials
Non-Destructive Testing
Applied Computational Fluid Dynamics
Materials Selection and Design

while nus offers:
Compressible and Unsteady Flow
Mechanics of Thin-walled structures
Aerodynamics & Propulsion
Computational Methods in Fluids Mechanics
Experimental Methods in Fluid Mechanics
Finite Element Analysis

hahahahaha. somehow the nusME doesnt sound very aero-ly.