Are You a Perfectionist?

first borns are usually perfectionists, but im quite okay lah. haha. it says that im only a perfectionist at work.

Yishu, you're a Total Middle!


Although you're probably very conscious of how you look, you're willing to occasionally leave your house without every hair in place and every crease in line. You're very aware of your appearance, but you don't obsess about it. You're okay with changes in your getting-ready routine, and are fine with not always looking your absolute best.


Looks like you take very good care of your possessions — without obsessing about them. Since you probably take pride in the condition of your things, you like to keep your surroundings in a relatively neat, organized state. But you know that every little thing doesn't necessarily have one spot it has to be in at all times, and you're just fine if everything isn't always in peak shape. That's a great attitude — being aware of, but not overly concerned about, your possessions is an effective way of extending the lifespan of your things without causing yourself undue stress.


Whether a task is large or small, you always turn in top-notch work. How could you not? After all, you have a lot of pride invested in everything you take on, and you won't sign your name to anything unless it represents your best work. You're willing to burn your candle at both ends to get the job done and like to have your projects organized and carefully planned out. Although being a perfectionist at work guarantees a job well-done, it can sometimes make it hard to be flexible and open-minded. So, make sure to leave room for a little leeway.