Sunday, October 30, 2005 by yish
Currently suffering from diarrhea and post 王子变青蛙 syndrome. Diarrhea I’m not very sure why but the post wzbqw syndrome I know. Cause for the past 2 weeks the aim of my life was ‘to go home and finish watching 王子变青蛙’. And now I’ve finished it (actually I re-watched like 4 more times), I’ve got nothing to do!! Oh no. I have no more aim in life. Haha. Looking forward to 10 nov and 17 nov now.
Oh. And now I have like 25 明道 pictures and like 12 183club pictures. Not bad eh? Haha. shall post them online another time. Need to bathe now. Mother angry.
Oh. And now I have like 25 明道 pictures and like 12 183club pictures. Not bad eh? Haha. shall post them online another time. Need to bathe now. Mother angry.