
yish rawk my sock.2
Originally uploaded by yishie wishie.
Oh no. I’m hooked onto blogs.. I can’t stop reading them and I can’t stop posting on mine (my one). Haha. Oh no.


7 things that scare me:

1. Heights (especially when there’s no railing. OBS didn’t take my fear away.)
2. Dark alleys
3. Horror films (I only watched once in my entire life)
4. To sink and sink and sink.
5. To lose everything in my life.
6. To fall and fall and fall.
7. To get myself caught in an embarrassed position.

7 things that I like the most:

1. Surfing the net.
2. Get rich.
3. Get myself stuffs that I dream of.
4. Luffing my everything out with friends.
5. Catch a great movie
6. Read a great book
7. Watch a great show.

7 important things in my room:

1. Bed.
2. Fan.
3. i-weekly(s)
4. PC.
5. Wallet
6. Bag.
7. Books.

7 random facts about me:

1. I can’t cycle.
2. I wet my pants in primary school during flag lowering ceremony because I could not hold on anymore.
3. I can watch a show for 1million times and not get sick of it.
4. I like 真情.
5. During meals, I finish the rice and then start on the dishes. Then to soup.
6. I can’t pronounce ‘HCJC’ properly.
7. I lurve apple and itunes and Ipod and ibook and mini mac and imac and..

7 things I plan to do before I die:

1. Get a degree.
2. To finish a 20min film production. And get it shown to everyone in Singapore.
3. To become friends with one of my teachers.
4. To get married and get kids?
5. To own a mac.
6. To write a story for a magazine.
7. To own as many i-weekly as I can.

7 things I can do:

1. Operate av equipment and almost all idiot proof cameras and some SLR cameras and most video cameras and sound boards and lighting boards.
2. Play basketball.
3. Fix my own comp.
4. Search for anything in this world through the net if I want to. Beware.
5. To mix with people 10 years older and younger than me.
6. Have deep thoughts about this world and to make reasonable logic out of it.
7. Control my laughter. Very effectively.

7 things I can't do:

1. Cycle!!!
2. Talk on the phone and use the computer at the same time.
3. Control my excitement and also my blood flow to my face.
4. Play tennis.
5. To lie and not feel bad.
6. Talk properly without stuttering in front of a small crowd (a large one is okay.)
7. To reject people’s requests.

7 things I say the most:

1. A-bu-den
2. Aiyoh
3. Shit
4. I slap you.
5. Er..
6. Yup. A-ha. (As in I know what u are saying or I agree with you)
7. Actually I think…

7 celebrity crushes:

1. Ah ben!! 杨志龙 but he’s married already.. Haha.
2. Tony Leung 梁朝伟
3. Ekin Cheung 郑伊健
4. 小刀 from 5566
5. 高天骐
6. 押尾学
7. 草野博紀(Kusano Hironori)of NEWS

Btw the picture at the side is generated here. Cool eh? Heh. Another one.