the picture perfect moment.
Monday, September 19, 2005 by yish

in today's straits times theres this pic of pmlee stickin his head into this drain.. maybe this is wat mrkuo always used to tell us.. de picture perfect moment.. nvm pmlee tokin to another resident.. nvm pmlee lookin at ppl do their stuff.. but it mind a lot when pmlee sticks his head in.. (but i have nth to do with watever propaganda tat picture is showin..but..) a photographer must always be in stand-by position.. this is sth mrkuo taught us.. n maybe sth i'll keep for long.. maybe i will no longer do photography.. but for leisure sake.. i'll still do this for every single picture perfect moment.. one second its there.. de other its gone.. de beauty of photography.. ahhh.. haha..
nos·tal·gi·a n.
1. A bittersweet longing for things, persons, or situations of the past.
2. The condition of being homesick; homesickness.
keep seein this word these few days.. n in fact i only came across this word for the first time in my life last yr.. kinda show yeh? but i think my fav will still be appassionata.. nostalgic arh..
day by day my hair is lookin more n more like jj's..