You know you're from ACJC when..
- You have the hottest guys/girls in town
- Almost half of your friends speak Chinese worse than AngMoh
- You have to deal with such a thing called "swim pe"
- Your pants is hanging on to your butt like it's holding on to dear life
- Your skirt is a mini-skirt... Plus your shirt is never tucked in but you pretend it is
- It takes you 18 years to realize the majority listen to Chinese music
- From time to time you get a sense that any good address should end with the phrase "The Best is Yet to Be"
- You and your friends go crazy when a turtle car scoots into view.
- You have a principal say "DONCH" all the time.... Lim H.... S...n.
- You start running out of class once your friends start singing "Happy Birthday", then you find yourself in the pool naked after they catch you
- You feel like telling Gurmit to shove the $10 (fine for stepping on the track) up his ass.
- You think Jimmy Tong is a hero.
- Potential councilors campaign by promising to ensure that there will be a constant supply of toilet paper in the girl’s toilet
- You HAVE to alter your skirt, or you're not cool and people laugh at you.
- When other people give you funny looks when you say the coolest place is the void deck.
- You call the stands, the bleachers.
- When u ignore the rumors about the western stall auntie refrying her soggy fries in yesterdays' already black oil and queue up anyway cause its the shortest queue in the canteen.
- You understand what's Wan Way and Lenn Way's Link
- You meet your friends at the Smiley to go to Holland V for Haagen-Dazs
- you don't have to retake Chinese even if you got less than A2
- I can ask you if she's really the RJC prom queen and you know exactly who I'm talking about
- When you rejoice and jump up and down in LT4 after receiving a C6 for Chinese, shouting "thank you Lord!" and see people running towards you with congratulatory hugs
- When you start lining up for the free parent-cooked/ Mrs.Tan-cooked dinners at 5.30 during exam periods
- Red, Blue and Gold start becoming your favourite colors
- When you actually miss chapel, and When you actually expect to hear Majulah Singapura every morning in perfect acapella harmony.
- No, it's not a $10 fine for walking on the track anymore. by (2003/2004) it was RUN TEN ROUNDS around the track. A group of guys from my batch actually had to, in full school uniform.
- When you just have to study in school during exams even though it's damn noisy and you have to shove your iPod into your ears all the time.
- You think that your school uniform is cooler with the shirt than the yellow PE T-shirt.
- You know that "mass pe" is just a cover for "mass suicide".
- You know the "ham-sum" joke.
- You know you're from ACJC when you hear "Mass PE" and cower in fear ;)
- When u don't bat an eyelid when people call you snob or rich kid...
- When you certainly don't drive Mers on a lease
- When you think a 4-minute cab ride to Holland Village is perfectly acceptable and commonly practised!
- You have climbed down the side of the school near the canteen, through the fence behind the tennis courts or conned the guard with fake mc 'cause you're late
- You never wish to trade your time there for anything else! You shudder to think that you could have been at any other junior college!
- When you clamour for all the school-based shirts (the AC shirt, the polo, the house shirts, the CCA shirts) but they're all sold out way too fast. :(
- You leave a mountain of Hacks sweet wrappers at the back of every Lecture Theatre you enter..
- You know where the Champions Table is
- When its the best 3 years of your life...
- You wanted a pink slip to zhao class... or was it the blue slip?
- You just can't stop drinking Milo!
- You have to take GP tests after being given tonnes of newspaper articles to read and mug... though we had often made use of "peer marking" to help ourselves to pass w/o reading a single shread of news.
- We have our prelims scheduled extremely early compared to the rest of the other JCs.. AUGUST?!?!
- You have to hide/run away from Bangla workers instead of teachers in an attempt to 'pontang' school
- You have bought Cremo to help fundraising for the new building