went to the ntu talk at suntec and it opened me up to this whole new world. haha. okay lah. i admit i had certain discrimination of ntu becos it was like the university at the ulu corner of spore. but the talk was an eye-opener. ntu is cool. at least this is how im thinking now.
nus is a very traditional tertiary institute. there, we can do very traditional subjects like law, medicine and science. it is old and established. ntu offers everything the other way. ntu is very new. buildings are still sprouting in ntu. ntu offers very interesting subjects: tourism, maritime, aerospace, arts design media and mathematical science. in my view lah, nus is like microsoft, tried and tested, user friendly, or at least u are used to it. ntu is like mac. very new, niche, special, but a little incompatible. i think the thing that is holding me back from ntu would be career prospect. will my employer think that i am inferior to the nus graduates? although this is cruel, it is very true.
like how it is like when u say u are from acjc as compared to when u say u are from the traditional top5 schools. i mean okay lah. i have to admit getting the 'so u are quite stupid lah' look from several adults when i say im from acjc. and maybe sometimes the alienation from the bukit timah gang. and of course the lack of opportunity to go taiwan for exchange programme which was only available to the traditional top5 schools. but i had my most enjoyable education in ac. the people in s paper class are really clever, no, not only that. they love wat they study. they are smart and happy. and i am happy too.
if u wanna do business, go ntu. this is wat i feel. it offers the kind of education that i look forward to lah. great depth. yet great breadth. wat u learn is very applicable to the world.
so somehow im swayed towards getting an education in ntu now. hais. but still, the rumors that ntu people are very geeky is a little holding me back. hahaha. but i went to ac despite the bad reputation. okay lah. i admit my results were bad too. haha.
another thing. i now cant decide whether to do arts design and media or mathematical science. as people always say lah, choose something that u have passion in, not jobs prospect. but these 2 are the biggest passion in my life already. arts design media, if u are friend with me long enough u will noe mah. i collect postcards and buy postcard holders, categorise them and file them. haha. i collect iweekly. i rewatch ia 1million time. and photography too. mathematical science, the passion i dun show so much lah. but i enjoy thinking and solving problems a lot. gimme a question and i'll think the whole day till i get an answer. furthermore, mathematical science touches on computer programming which is something i like. not the geeky aspect lah, but i like to design and create. i wanna be like page and brin lah. create something that will change how the world surf the net.
so how? now i cant decide. hais.