
wee~ its a star gazin wkend.. okie maybe energy-gazin wkend.. went harbourfront centre for de first atuograph session.. quite a lot of ppl lah.. think we are de 6th lot le.. coz every lot got 'chop' on their arms then before us were 5 then we dun hav 'chop' one.. means quite back le.. but then huo gai lah.. coz we reached at like 4plus? quite late le.. other ppl start queuin from 6am loh.. in de end think like 10plus we decided to let other ppl sign for us.. sigh.. so wasted.. coz de lot1 one they suddenly change to atuograph session.. lot1 i can start queuin from 6am lah.. sigh.. quite regret now.. but nvm lah.. coz harbourfront tat time could see them quite up close le..

yday went to de yes 93.3 22th anniversary for long hu bang.. didnt noe jj was so famous leh.. coz he came out n a lot a lot of ppl screamed.. then his performance end n a lot of ppl zao also le.. wah.. shd hav went for his concert at tp leh.. since already got tix then wasted.. sigh..

another thing.. got ac ppl go EG atuograph session!!!! sigh.. juz when i tot i wont see a single ac ppl durin this kind of 'cheena' stuffs, there are!! sigh.. cant escape from ac lah.. coz at de harbourfront there i saw de girl then tot she pass by there only lah.. cant possibly there for EG.. but i saw her at lot1 again!! lookin so enthu for EG.. urgh.. so irritatin..

n abt de lot1 one.. they sang 'wo men'!! okie lah.. not my fav song but de middle part was quite nice.. coz shu wei went to say de drink milk is gd for ur health, niunai say i really like to play bball n kunda say i love to sing.. haha.. crap..

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goin only becoz of EG n fir..
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